2021 Citizen Survey

In the Spring of 2021, Hillsborough County residents had the opportunity to weigh in on key quality-of-life areas. The 2021 Hillsborough County Citizen Survey reassessed satisfaction in five strategic focus areas that impact resident's lives, such as high-quality community assets, life enrichment and recreational opportunities, the local economy, public safety, and self-sufficiency programs for individuals and families.

Feedback from the anonymous phone and online surveys will help County administration to understand the community's current priorities and satisfaction levels.

1400的统计ally valid responses were collected during the telephonic survey period and an additional 15,027 responses were collected as part of the alternative online questionnaire.

Results at a Glance

In 2021, 87% of residents expressed satisfaction with the quality of life in Hillsborough County. When asked whether they would personally recommend Hillsborough County to their friends, families, and acquaintances as a place to live, retire, raise children, work, vacation, or open a business, respondents overwhelmingly said "yes."

85%of residents would personally recommend Hillsborough County to their friends, families, and acquaintances as a place toLive
73%of residents would personally recommend Hillsborough County to their friends, families, and acquaintances as a place toRetire
77%of residents would personally recommend Hillsborough County to their friends, families, and acquaintances as a place toRaise Children
83%of residents would personally recommend Hillsborough County to their friends, families, and acquaintances as a place toWork
77%of residents would personally recommend Hillsborough County to their friends, families, and acquaintances as a place toVacation
65%of residents would personally recommend Hillsborough County to their friends, families, and acquaintances as a place toOpen a Business

District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 Overall
Live 86% 89% 83% 83% 85%
Retire 69% 76% 71% 76% 73%
Raise Children 76% 81% 74% 80% 77%
Work 84% 89% 81% 80% 83%
Vacation 75% 79% 81% 70% 77%
Open a Business 68% 72% 64% 57% 65%

Download the 2021 Citizen Survey Results Report

2021 Methodology

To ensure that the survey collected responses that were reflective of Hillsborough County’s demographically diverse population, third-party survey professionals conducted the telephonic study.

Data and insights gathered from the telephonic survey have been used as a baseline for how residents feel about Hillsborough County services and resources and has given the County insights on key topics that impact the quality of life.

2019 Citizen Survey

View the 2019 Citizen Survey Results
